CE Certification and Modern Fire Pits – A Basic Explainer

The CE marking is mandatory for certain products if they are to be sold within the European Economic Area (EEA). It shows that the manufacturer has checked that these products meet EU safety requirements and is an indicator of a product’s compliance with EU legislation. Further, the CE marking allows the free movement of products within the European market. In the case of some products, like outdoor fire pits, third-party testing and certification is required to ensure that the products meet the European standards for their specific use. Gas fire pits fall under the scope of the Gas Appliances Directive and must checked for conformity by a Notified Body. These bodies are authorised by national authorities and officially ‘notified’ to the European Commission. The Gas Appliances Directive contains essential requirements that must be met when placed in the European market.

As with the North American Standards, CE certification under the Gas Appliances Directive requires quality control process and compliance, with factory audits and production inspections, as well as strict labeling guidelines. The testing process parallels the CSA/ANSI standard in many ways, but is complicated by the fact that across Europe, there are several different types of Natural Gas and Propane, with differing heat outputs and supplied at varying pressures. Gas appliances must be tested with these different gases. Additionally, documentation must be supplied in the official languages of the destination countries.

Paloform is proud to supply products that meet and are certified to wide global standards: CE for the EU and CSA/ANSI for the U.S. and Canada.

Read more about the North American standards here.

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